Saturday 29 November 2014

Black Friday

The day The UK went mad for shopping

Black friday promotions have sparked chaos and violence around the UK stores. Lots of shops opened at midnight with massive discounts. The shoppers described incredible "scenes of carnage" as people scrambled for the best bargains.

Eyewitnesses told the people how "bargain-hunters" and descrive the scene like animals and people going to a "War zone"

Shoppers documented the scenes with social media:

In spain, we haven't scenes like that but I think all will come. Like hallowen and other festivals. All comercial thinks from america come to spain and Europ.


Eyewitnesses: testimoni ocular

spark: Desencadenar, provocar

Scramble: Barallar-se per aconseguir/fer alguna cosa

Friday 28 November 2014

Underwater Discus Hotel

Hotel-Discus under the sea

The building company Drydocks World will develop underwater hotels. One of the most incredible is the "Water Discus Hotel" in Dubai. The hotel is designed with 21 rooms, a dive center and a bar, all 32 feet below the surface of the ocean.

Guest will be able to operate miniature vehicles from inside their rooms. All technology is from the company Deep Ocean Technology.

I think that hotel will be amazing but so much expensive. There will go only the most rich persons. It's incredible to be able to build an hotel under the sea. A few years ago, people didn't imagine we can build a building heightest than 4 or 5 floors. Now we can build it under the sea... It's incredible.

New Vocabulary:

Develop: Desarrollar

surface: Superfície

blown-up: Amplifica

Thursday 27 November 2014


A Song Of Ice and Fire

It's more famous as "A Game of Thrones" what's the title of the first book. In this books, 
George R.R. Martin, write about a new middle age with drakes, magicians and lots of kings.
The story starts with a family called Stark, one of the noble families of the kingdom. They're the most ancient family and they life in at de northest part of the kingdom, where the winter are really cold. Their slogan are "Winter's coming" and when the king die, start a war for the kingdom. There are five noble man who want to be kings.

The house of Stark starts the rebelion but they lose all power on the Red Wedding when the house Frey betray Stark and Tully houses and kill them all at the reception of Lord Edmurne Tully wedding. 

The history is so much long but i did a little summary of the Stark house. It's really as a new midle-age history with lots of families, betrays and lovers.

Rebel song

1.- New Words/ Expressions

To be left out: Ser excluido
To be on the edge: Estar al vorde
To be down: Estar deprimit

2.- A rebel song

                   Eminem: The monster                                                             Eminem: El monstre

I'm friends with the monster------------------------------------------- Soc amiga del monstre

That's under my bed--------------------------------------------------- que està sota el meu llit

Get along with the voices inside of my head----------------- i que es porta bé amb les veus del meu cap

You're trying to save me---------------------------------------------- estàs intentant salvar-me,

Stop holding your breath--------------------------------------------- deixa d'aguantar la respiració

And you think I'm crazy------------------------------------------------ I penses que estic boja

Yeah, you think I'm crazy (crazy)------------------------------------ si, penses que estic boja

I wanted the fame, but not the cover of Newsweek--------------

Volia la fama, però no la portada del Newsweek

Oh well, guess beggers can't be choosey------------------------

oh, bueno, suposo que els sense-sostre no poden ser elegits

Wanted to receive attention for my music------------------------

Volia rebre atenció per la meva música

Wanted to be left alone, public excuse me-----------------------

Volia estar sol, el públic em perdona

Been wanting my cake, I need it too-------------------------------

Estava esperant el meu pastis, també el nescessito

Wanting it both ways------------------------------------------------- Esperava aquestes coses

Fame may be a balloon cause my ego inflated-------------- la fama pot inflar-se com un globo per l'ego

When I blew seep it was confusing-------------------------------- quan vaig bufar, entrar era confus

Cause all I wanted to do is be the Bruce Lee of loose leaf-----------

Perque tot el que volia ser era Bruce Lee de les fulles perdudes

Abused ink, used it as a tool when I blew steam--------------------

Abusava de la tinta, la feia servir com a eina quan treia fum

Hit the lottery (oh wee)---------------------------------------------- em va tocar la loteria (oh wee)

With what I gave up to get was bittersweet----------------------

Considerant el que vaig regalar, conseguir-ho va ser agridolç

It was like winning a huge meet----------------------------------- Va ser com guanyar un gran tall de carn

Ironic 'cause I think I'm getting so big I need a shrink--------

Ironic ja que crec estar-me tornant tant gran que nescessito un encogiment

I'm beginning to lose sleep: one sheep, two sheep-----------

Estic començant a perdre la son: una ovella, dos ovelles,...

Going cucko and cuckier as Kool Keith-------------------------

Tornant-me voig i envogit com en Kool Keith

But I'm actually weirder than you think-------------------------- tot i així, soc més extrany del que creus

Cause I'm...----------------------------------------------------------- perquè jo soc

I'm friends with the monster--------------------------------------- Soc amiga del monstre

That's under my bed----------------------------------------------- que està sota el meu llit

Get along with the voices inside of my head------------------i que es porta bé amb les veus del meu cap

You're trying to save me------------------------------------------ estàs intentant salvar-me,

Stop holding your breath----------------------------------------- deixa d'aguantar la respiració

And you think I'm crazy-------------------------------------------- I penses que estic boja

Yeah, you think I'm crazy------------------------------------------ si, penses que estic boja

Well, that's nothing------------------------------------------------- Molt bé, això no és res

Well, that's nothing------------------------------------------------- Molt bé, això no és res

Now I ain't much of a poet----------------------------------------- ara no es que sigui un poeta

But I know somebody once told me to seize the moment----

Però conec algú que una vegada em va dir aprofita el moment

And don't squander it---------------------------------------------- i no el malgastis

Cause you never know when it could all be over------------- perquè mai saps quan es pot acabar tot

Tomorrow so I keep conjuring------------------------------------ demà, així que segueixo conjurant

Sometimes I wonder where these thoughts spawn from----

A vegades penso d'on surten aquests pensaments

(Yeah, ponder it, do you wonder, there's no wonder ------- si, pensa, et preocupes?, no hi ha problema

You're losing your mind the way you're brought up)---------tu estàs perdent la teva ment tal com la vares comprar

I think you've been wandering off down yonder and stumbled upon Jeff VanVonderen------------

Crec que has estat vagant pels abismes i et vares topar amb en Jeff VanVonderen

Cause I needed an intervention in this to intervene between me and this monster

Perquè necessitava una intervenció, que intervingués entre aquell monstre i jo

And save me from myself and all this conflict------- I em vares salvar de mi mateix i de tot aquest conflicte

Cause the very things that I love is killing me and I can't conquer it-------

Perquè les coses que realment estimo m'estan matant i no puc evitar-ho

My OCD is clonking me in the head---------------------------- El meu OCD m'esta destrossant el cap

Keep knocking, nobody's home, I'm sleepwalking----------

Pica sense parar, no hi ha ningú a casa, estic caminant dormit

I'm just relaying what the voice of my head saying----- Estic repassant el que em diu la veu en el meu cap

Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just friends with the...------ no dispareu al missatger, simplement soc amiga de...

I'm friends with the monster------------------------------------ Soc amiga del monstre

That's under my bed-------------------------------------------- que està sota el meu llit

Get along with the voices inside of my head--------------- i que es porta bé amb les veus del meu cap

You're trying to save me--------------------------------------- estàs intentant salvar-me,

Stop holding your breath-------------------------------------- deixa d'aguantar la respiració

And you think I'm crazy----------------------------------------- I penses que estic boja

Yeah, you think I'm crazy-------------------------------------- si, penses que estic boja

Well, that's nothing--------------------------------------------- Molt bé, això no és res

Well, that's nothing--------------------------------------------- Molt bé, això no és res

Call me crazy, but I had this vision--------------------------- Diguem boig, però vaig tenir aquesta visió:

One day that I'd walk amongst you regular civilians------

Un dia arribaria a caminar al costat dels teus honorables civils

But until then drums get killed I'm coming straight at---- però fins que els tambors morin, recorro als MCS

Emcees, blood get spilled and I----------------------------- La sang comença a caure i jo

Take it back to the days that I get on a Dre track--------torno als dies que vaig aprendre una cançó de Dre

Give every kid who got played gat-------- Els vaig donar armes a tots aquells joves amb qui haviem jugat

Pumped the villian and sh*t that say back----------------- vaig picar al malvat i, merda, digues-l'hi

To the kids who played 'em---------------------------------- als nens amb qui havien jugat

I ain't here to save the f*cking children------------------- Jo no soc aqui per salvar els maleits nens

But if one kid out of a hundred million-------------------- però si un nen entre cent millons

Who are going through a struggle feels and relates that's great-------

Que està passant per un conflicte, viu i se sent identificat amb això, perfecte

It's payback, Russell Wilson falling way back---------- És donar i rebre, Russell Wilson recaurà

In the draft, turn nothing into something, still can make that---------------

En el camí, vaig fer de res tot, encara ho puc fer

Straw in the gold chump I will spend---------------------- Palla en el cap de carbassa gastaré

Rumpelstiltskin in a hay stack------------------------------- Rumpelstitskin en una pila de palla

Maybe I need a straightjacket, face facts-------- Potser necessites una camisa de força, afrontem els fets

I am nuts for real, but I'm okay with that------------------- Estic boig, de veritat, però estic bé amb això

It's nothing, I'm still friends with a...------------------------- no és res, encara soc amic de...

I'm friends with the monster----------------------------------- Soc amiga del monstre

That's under my bed------------------------------------------- que està sota el meu llit

Get along with the voices inside of my head-------------- i que es porta bé amb les veus del meu cap

You're trying to save me-------------------------------------- estàs intentant salvar-me,

Stop holding your breath-------------------------------------- deixa d'aguantar la respiració

And you think I'm crazy--------------------------------------- I penses que estic boja

Yeah, you think I'm crazy---------------------------------------- si, penses que estic boja

I'm friends with the monster------------------------------------ Soc amiga del monstre

That's under my bed--------------------------------------------- que està sota el meu llit

Get along with the voices inside of my head-------------- i que es porta bé amb les veus del meu cap

You're trying to save me-------------------------------------- estàs intentant salvar-me,

Stop holding your breath-------------------------------------- deixa d'aguantar la respiració

And you think I'm crazy----------------------------------------I penses que estic boja

Yeah, you think I'm crazy-------------------------------------- si, penses que estic boja

Well, that's nothing---------------------------------------------- Molt bé, això no és res

Well, that's nothing---------------------------------------------- Molt bé, això no és res

It protest cause he had not oportunities. He was a begger and He must sacrify a lot of things to get famous.

Monday 24 November 2014

Rite of passage presentation

I think the mark for me is over 5 cause I have a bad prezi (small and not enough images) but I didn't read and I explain the diferent tipes of haka. It was an interesting subject and I think people wasn't borred when we were explaining our theme.

Best Age Podcast

The best age:

The best age is young-adult cause you have not worrys less than study or search for a job. This is the moment to have party, hangout with friends or start a serious relationship. if everything is well and you have enough time and mony, you can leave home and start to live your life.

This's the moment to have a car, drink alcohol and start to work on your first jobs to earn some mony.
You probably go to university and have a grade.

Record and upload audio >>

Friday 21 November 2014

Fairy Tale

The Princess and the vibrator

Once upon a time a prince called charles, was very handsome and gentleman. Wanted to marry but he didn't know who, he didn't have a girlfriend. His mother met with some princesses to know them. When girls came into the castle, the prince's mother did a test for them.

Emma, the prince's mother, put a vibrator under the blanket of prince's bed. The test objective was to check if they liked to use it. If they didn't use the vibrator, they couldn't pass the test.

A lot of princes didn't use it but one day... a new princess arrived. She was called Devora. When the night arrived,  suddenly all castle listened the princes groan with pleasure.

The mother was happy, finally she found a good girl for her son.

Devora and Charles married next week. They lived happy ever after and they played very often.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Any Food Into Noodles

The Spiralizer

You can cook your favourite pasta dishes with no pasta!! With Spiralizer you can turn zucchini or carrots into pasta. Most popular it's used to create zucchini noodles, a good replacement for traditional pasta.

What else can Spiralizer turn into noodles? You can see in the video:

I think this new machine you can create noodles from a lot of vegetables. It can works so much well with little children who don't like to eat it. You coock them this noodles and they're eating vegetables! A perfect think to improve the nutrition of children.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Chee Seng and Tracy comparation

Chee seng is a 16 years old boy who used to live really well with his parents. All start to go wrong when his father leave Chee seng's mother. She becomes moody and angry all time. Chee seng changes his friends to another and taste drugs and party.

Tracy wasn't with her father when the film start but she was ok. All start to go wrong when she start the school and try to be a "popu". She has problems with school and become irresponsble. She got a new friend who promotes all this and at last, her friend left her alone when she has problems.

I think Chee seng has less problems than Tracy cause all his problems start to go better, but tracy has no friends and no people who can help her. They both have a bad relationship with their parents but Chee seng solve it. Tracy start to solve her problems but she has some more dificults.